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Board of Education

Regular Meetings

All regular monthly Board meetings are open to the public. Regular meetings are usually scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on the second Monday of each month. The meetings are held at the Plattsmouth Schools Administration Center, 1912 Old Highway 34. The agenda is available at the Administration Center on Friday afternoon before the Monday meetings. Copies are also available here on our website.

Closed Sessions

Closed sessions take place as part of an open meeting. Closed sessions may be held, if necessary for the protection of public interest or the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. The law allows the Board to go into closed session for reasons such  as legal action, real estate transactions, some personnel matters, and employee negotiation strategy sessions.

Committee Meetings

Some matters require long deliberation, so these items may be considered at a committee meeting. This allows for more discussion and deliberation. Traditionally, committee meetings involve Board members, district staff, and community members. When action needs to be taken, items discussed at committee meetings may be placed on the agenda of a regular meeting.

Preparation for the Meeting

It shall be the responsibility of the Board President and Superintendent to develop the agenda for each board meeting. Board members typically receive copies of the agenda and explanatory materials three days before the meeting, in order to allow them time to read and prepare for the meeting.

Upcoming Board of Education Meetings

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Board Members

Tony Foster

Board Member/Negotiations Committee Chair

Keri Gradoville

Board Member

Brian Harvey

Board President

Jacqueline Miller Pearson

Board Member

Max Muller

Board Member

Jeremey Shuey

Board Member / Civics Committee Chair

Amanda Timm

Board Treasurer/Finance Committee Chair

Ken Winters

Board Vice President/Operations Committee Chair

Joe Woracek

Board Secretary