Meeting Protocol
Specific Issues Raised at Board Meetings
The Board recognizes the importance of patron participation in school district matters. In order to assure patrons are heard and Board meetings are conducted efficiently and in an organized manner, the Board sets aside time for patron participation. If members of the audience want to discuss matters not on the agenda, they may do so during the time for Reception of Delegates at the beginning of the meeting. A time limit of three minutes will be set for individual speakers on a given topic. A total time limit of thirty minutes will be set for all speakers on a given topic, with an effort to provide equal time for pros, cons, and neutral opinions. If an item presented requires information gathering, further discussion, or answers to questions, the Board may refer the matter to the Superintendent or they may put the item on a future meeting agenda. If action is desired, the topic must be placed on the agenda of a future meeting.
Whenever possible, you are encouraged to seek information or action first from the teacher or principal. Going directly to the source of the concern will, in many cases, clear up misunderstandings and bring the desired result. If the issue cannot be resolved at the school level, please contact the Superintendent. You may want to contact the Board President if the concern still has not been solved. Each year the Board encourages citizen and staff input through participation on a variety of committees.
Public Participation in Board Meetings
Although business and committee meetings are held in public and visitors are welcome, they are not public meetings or forums. Only those speakers recognized by the President shall be allowed to speak. During the rest of the meeting, audience members may not participate in the discussion.
Persons wishing to place an item on the agenda must make a request to the superintendent prior to the drafting of the agenda. A person requesting the placement of an item on the agenda must fill out an information sheet. This information sheet will be available at the Administration Center. Requests received after the deadline may only be added to the agenda for items of an emergency nature. Any printed materials to be circulated for a board meeting must be submitted to the superintendent on the Wednesday preceding a board meeting.
Preparation for the Meeting
It shall be the responsibility of the board president and superintendent to develop the agenda for each board meeting. Board members receive copies of the agenda and explanatory materials three days before the meeting in order to allow them to read and prepare for the meeting.
Board of Education Meetings
Business Meetings
Meetings are scheduled for the second Monday of each month. The meetings are held at the Plattsmouth Schools Administration Center, 1912 Old Highway 34. The agenda is available online and in the lobby on Friday afternoon before the Monday meeting. Copies are available at the meeting. The Board’s meetings are open to the public.
Closed Session
Closed sessions take place as part of an open meeting. Closed sessions may be held if necessary for the protection of public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. The law allows the Board to go into closed sessions for reasons such as legal action, real estate transactions, some personnel matters, and employee negotiation strategy sessions.
Work Sessions
Periodically, the Board may schedule Work Sessions. These sessions are often held prior to the business meeting. These meetings are held so the Board can devote more time to specific topics or study their mode of operation. These meetings will have an agenda and are announced in the same manner as regular board meetings.
Committee Meetings
Some matters require long deliberation, so those items may be considered at a committee meeting. This allows for more discussion and deliberation. Traditionally, Committee Meetings involve Board members, district staff, and community members. Items discussed at Committee Meetings may be placed on the agenda of a regular meeting when action of the board is needed.