Joint Public Hearing - Sept. 19, 2024
PCS will participate in the Joint Public Hearing at the Cass County Courthouse at 6:15 PM on Thu., Sept. 19, 2024. The agenda from Cass County is included below. Click HERE for information about the PCS property tax request related to the joint public hearing. Check out the PCS Superintendent Weekly Update at on the evening of Fri., Sept. 20, 2024. for a detailed Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document relative to the PCS budget and tax request.
Property Tax Request Act
Required by State Statute 77-1633
Cass County Courthouse
346 Main Street, Dist. Court Room 303D
Plattsmouth, NE 68048
Wednesday, September 19, 2024
6:15 pm
ABOUT THE PUBLIC HEARING: As required by the Nebraska Legislature, if any County, City, Community College, or School District seeks to increase its property tax request by more than the allowable growth percentage, such political subdivision must participate in a joint public hearing.
Valuations will not be discussed at this hearing, because the time for valuation protests has concluded. There will be no voting taking place at this hearing. There will only be presentations given by the political subdivision in alphabetical order beginning with Cass County. Once all presentations have been given, there will be a public comment period that will go in the same alphabetical order.
While the public comment period is the opportunity for members of the public to speak, there will not be back-and-forth discussions between members of the public and representatives from the political subdivisions.
1. Opening/Announcements
2. Budget Presentations
Cass County
Alex DeGarmo - Chairman/Financial Committee
Proposed 2023 tax request $16,469,627
City of Plattsmouth
Emily Bausch- Administrator
Proposed 2023 Tax Request $ 1,884,862
Plattsmouth Community Schools $11,337,374
Chris Hudson- Business Manager
4. Public Comments
Speakers will be allowed to speak for a designated period of time and will only have one opportunity to do so. Speakers are required to provide their name, address, school district you are in, and organization(s) you may represent prior to speaking.
5. Adjournment